Discovery JESUS
" Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.<2Timothy 4:2>
There are three things you need to live as a spiritual person who resembles the personality of the Lord. These three are also the secrets the Lord has left us to overcome the world.
Established to help young people become world leaders, Vision University guides students based on these three principles.
Copyright(C)2023 Discovery JESUS
First, we educate students to live as spiritual people who resemble the personality of the Lord.
The teachings contain three important things that make up personality.
Discovery Vision College professors will teach and develop these three important personality to the students, helping them grow into world leaders.
Discovery Vision College students will learn about the three important personality elements that spiritual people who must live in God's image will change their personalities beautifully.
The Second, students will experience God and share their testimony of how God has changed the environment. Studying at Discovery Vision College will put students on the path to becoming world leaders through the gateway to becoming world leaders.
The third, There are important things we must do to keep the commandments that Jesus gave us.( Matthew 28:18-20절)
It makes disciples and expand the kingdom of God.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”
Follow our college professors teach to learn about evangelism and how to make disciples and give glory to God.
Discovery Sunday School is the basic foundation of Discovery Jesus.
School teachers teach children about the Lord Jesus and help them grow into spiritual people.
We teach righteousness, goodness, and truth as written in the Bible; Ephesians 5:9 (KJV) 'The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.'
And by training the children to live by the Word of God, so their spiritual character can grow with the Word of Jesus.
So then, what does Sunday school teach for children?
We teach the Word of God so that the intellect, will, and emotional elements necessary for the development of children's character can properly grow into a spiritual person and live as a person with a beautiful character, and teach them to manifest themselves in their daily lives.
By doing this, we guide children to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives and grow into people who shine in the world.
Discovery Leadership School trains and teaches to Youth students that they need to act as leaders in society, based on the Word of God.
Our teachers will train and teach the word of God to the students, necessary to act as leaders in society.
Our teachers, also help Youth students develop their talents, so that they can use their talents and abilities for the glory of God and create beautiful works with others.
By doing these, how does it affect to our Youth?
We do according to the word of God; Romans Ephesians 5:15 - 21.
First, it helps to increase students English writing skills.
Second, helping young people develop their latent musical talents; Singing songs, playing musical instruments, creating hymns for praise, etc., help them to performing and practice their talents in various ways.
3. Youth will be learn a way to be patient
and finish well.
Third,Youth students work together in groups,
and learning
patience while doing their project and process helping
each other until the job is done.
4. Respect and humble attitude
Forth, Teachers will guide to Youth students
how respect the others and teaching them humbly
talking to the others.
By doing, they can be live a light of the world, as JESUS
Christ live.
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Also, Education News gives a new class information; when does the class start and register date... and tips also...So, go to : . The page shows Korean language only, however if you need English class then let us know how you can participate by English well.
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